
Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend Report

We had a very good weekend, busy as usual, but good.

Saturday morning started off as usual with Sammie’s swim lesson. She is doing great with the swimming part; with the listening part…let’s just say she’s three… Next was her Gymbus Gymnastics show. For those of you that do not know, Sammie participates in Gymbus every week through the “school year” at her daycare facility. Gymbus is a refurbished school bus which has all the seats ripped out and replaced with gymnastics apparatuses; tumbling mats, a single bar, floor balance beam, etc…She LOVES Gymbus, and will come home doing things we had absolutely no idea she was able to do. At the end of the school year, the kids have a sort of graduation (at a gymnastics facility – not on the bus) to show off what they have learned for friends and family. The whole event was about 45 minutes long, and the ladies that ran the show did an outstanding job. At the end, each child stood on a #1 block where they were handed their trophy. Sammie did WONDERFUL!! We were so proud of her! She is completely attached to her trophy though; it goes everywhere with her. Yesterday at the pool she was giving it kisses and saying “I love you, trophy.” Pictures from the event will be coming soon!

Following the show we went to dinner with the family that was able to attend. Dinner was great, even if it did take two hours. Then on to UFC Fight Night at the Sutphins! Fight Night used to be a guys night, but now the wives and children have invaded, and it is a full-on family affair. We alternate having it at each other's houses and ordering the fight. Much food and many toys are always involved. About half of the families were able to attend this one, and we all had a great time. Sammie stalked Danny all night, the boys had another arm-wrestling contest (but I missed who won), and we had brownies again, yum! By the end of the night Drew was the last man standing, and all the other kids had passed out either in bed, on the floor, in pack-n-plays, or in Sammie’s case, on mommy’s lap. After the fight (which was a good one!) we packed up the kiddos and headed home for some much needed sleep ourselves.

On Sunday Nathan and I were officially added as new members to our church. We had gone through their New Member Journey classes in the month of May, and along with another couple, were welcomed into the congregation yesterday. We are so happy to have finally joined the church and look forward to many years going forward for our family to grow with this new church family.

After church we headed home for nap time and then got ready for some swimming! We went to the pool for a couple of hours; Brenna slept, Sammie played, Nathan and I took turns in the water and on deck.

It was another great weekend, always too short, but always filled with a lot of fun stuff!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend girly! Sorry we missed Bridgets... hopefully next time! I've seen you guys like the last four weekends, we will need to get together soon, We are starting to miss you guys! :)

  2. We missed you too!! We'll get together soon for sure! Hope miss Madison is feeling good!
