
Monday, June 8, 2009

Book Obsession

I love books. LOVE reading fiction of all kinds; romance, mystery, drama, and in particular “mythical monster” books about vampires, werewolves, witches, anything of the sort. I used to read all the time, especially on vacations. Then, when I was expecting our first child, all of my reading turned to parenting and information on babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, etc... This continued through my second pregnancy as well.

For Christmas, my sister (who also loves to read and we have read several series together) bought me the Twilight series on the recommendation of a friend. As it turns out, practically everyone I know has read this series. We were going to read it at the same time, but she finally lost patience waiting for me to start by May and began by herself. Then I forced myself to make time, five minutes here, ten minutes there. It wasn’t that the story was not interesting, but it took a while to get started, to get the action going. And it did not help that the times I was attempting to read didn’t start until late at night after a long day. I would start reading and wake up hours later with the book open in my lap and a crick in my neck.

While complaining to a friend who had just finished the series herself about not finding enough time to read, she said “I read while I pump”. Huh? Why didn’t I think of that!?!? Five months after giving birth, I should have thought of that! So I did. I started reading at every session and the next thing I knew the book took off and I could NOT put it down. Literally, could not put it down. I stayed up until two o’clock in the morning on several occasions, eyes glued to the pages, unable to put it down.

I had forgotten that I get a little OCD about really good books, particularly series…Nathan is a little freaked out by my attachment to the books really. I should have remembered after making him drive all over Myrtle Beach in seach of a Barnes or Borders during my last book series OCD incident.

After staying up the last two nights, my body finally decided that since my mind was not following the rules of sleep it would simply shut down. At 10:30 last night, Nathan found me on the couch; sitting upright, feet planted on the floor, hands in my lap holding the open book, head flopped on the back of the couch, mouth gapping open…he ripped the book out of my hands and sent me off to bed…I may need help…but the books are so good! I’m on the final one now, with about 150 pages to go. I’m sure I’ll be sad when they are over. Nathan, on the other hand, may be found doing the happy dance...


  1. You'll love the ending! I was also sucked into the addiction in the spring. It's a great series. You'll have to let me know what you think of it when you finish :).

  2. I've heard the series is good, however I haven't started it yet...I'm in the same boat as you with the no time. When I do find time, I sleep instead of read. :) I don't pump either... soo... I guess you and Rachel need to come up with a better idea for me! Can I borrow the series of books when you are finished?

  3. Jenny, I have been reading while relaxing in my jacuzzi garden tub...spent an hour and half in it last night!!!

  4. ok that's it! I'm reading this series next!
