
Monday, June 8, 2009

Meet the Carrs

First off, welcome to my blog! Primarily I am hoping to be able to keep our family and friends that aren't close by more up to date with both information and pictures, as I've been told by some that I am slow. I won't take it personally though :) To get started, here are some new (ok, newer-ish) pictures some of you may not have seen!

My husband of (in a couple weeks) five years. We have been together for over ten; he is truly my best friend, the first person that I tell anything to, whether sad, happy, or just plain silly, nothing seems real until I share it with him. He and I are very much alike in our reactions to things, our outlook on life, our views and beliefs. We are very good at balancing each other out, when one gets paranoid or overreacts to something, it seems the other gets perfectly calm and objective, it works out so well! Nathan loves sports of any kind – especially in HD – likes to be on the go as much as possible, LOVES music of all kinds, and thoroughly enjoys pushing my buttons when he’s feeling restless. He’s an amazing father, husband, brother, son and friend. We make each other laugh, and also make each other crazy, but I wouldn’t change a thing about our relationship and feel so unbelievably happy and lucky to spend our lives together.

My little princess, little Miss Independent, three-year old daughter. Wow, three, when did that happen? It seems almost overnight she went from afraid to let go of my hand and standing very close to me to standing up taller than she seems with an indignant look on face stating “I do it myself!” She’s incredibly compassionate; hates to see anyone sad, and always has a hug, kiss, or smile to cheer you up, and if you are really lucky, all three. She is extremely affectionate, and will stop in the middle of doing something to tell you that she loves you and go through the list of friends and family that are her best friends. She is the Energizer Bunny most of the time, I’m pretty sure that quiet time is a thing of the past… She loves to tell everyone about her baby sister, and is completely in love with her. She sings “Twinkle, Twinke, Little Star” to her whenever she cries, which typically ceases the tears.

My sweet, smiley, happy, baby girl of five months. Everyone told us in warning when Sammie was such a good baby: “you only get one good one.” So we were prepared for a real doozie this time. We were happily surprised to be blessed with yet another good baby, and astonished that she was an even better, calmer baby than Sammie had even been. She is our little socialite. There are only two things that make her unhappy; one, being put in a swing, crib, bouncy seat, etc…away from where everyone is, she has to be a part of the action, or at the very least, able to see it; and two, when she is hungry. If she is screaming her head off in a room full of people, go get the bottle ready! She is completely enamored with her big sister, and will cry when she leaves the room, only to smile so big when she sees her coming back, and her daddy, for whom she reserves her most precious smile that lights up her entire face.

One thing you will notice is the drastic difference in pictures. Sammie's was taken with our old camera, Brenna's was taken with the new one - by a close friend of ours who really knows how to use the camera! Yet another reason I have started a blog - to force me to learn to work our new camera and get better pictures of our girls :)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the Blog. Well written, and ought to be considering you're a journalism major.(which is higher than a journalism lieutenant). You may have inspired me to crank up 'Diamond Dave's Daydreams' again. Also, I think it was either Damon Runyon or Betty Crocker who once said "Life can be a Zoo" Keep me on your mailing list.
    Unc D.
