Last week Brenna's babysitter organized a photography session for all the little ones in her care with some great results! Here are some of Brenna's photographs:
Just sitting in a wash tub...
...with a brush...
I'm telling you...that brush looks better with me chewing on it...
See? Much better...
If you continue to take it away, I'm going to have to get upset...
AWE! Poor Brenna! She wasn't a happy camper without that brush was she!? They are still cute! Could you imagine Madison in that tub... I don't think we would be able to see her! Brenna and Carli Grace fill it up so well. My girl would be a peanut compared to that brush! :)
AWE! Poor Brenna! She wasn't a happy camper without that brush was she!? They are still cute! Could you imagine Madison in that tub... I don't think we would be able to see her! Brenna and Carli Grace fill it up so well. My girl would be a peanut compared to that brush! :)