
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Brenna - One-Year

Brenna’s one-year check-up went very well! Developmentally, she is right on track with her age group, physically she is doing well also! She got two shots and this was the hardest time to calm her down from them.  She just kept looking at the nurse and screaming until she left the room.  Hope she didn't take it personally!

Her stats were:

Weight: 21 lbs. 3 oz. = 51st Percentile
Height: 28 3/4 inches = 36th Percentile
Head: 18 inches = 68th Percentile

Now, if you go back and check this post, you will see that according to these stats, she has shrunk height wise.  My guess would be that since Brenna is a very wriggly baby, and it was the end of the day, the nurse didn't ensure a good measurement, so don't be surprised when it goes back the other way for her fifteen-month check-up!

At one year, Brenna is walking about five or six step by herself at a time, she cruises furniture like a champ, has six teeth and several more trying to push through, she has learned that when Sammie is messing with her the fastest way to get out of it is to cry for mommy or daddy, she eats table food exclusively and is slowly learning to master her sippy cup, she talks constantly and trys new sounds every day, still loves to be held, and is still (more often than not) sleeping through the night - Thank GOD!

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