
Monday, December 21, 2009

On this day last year...

I was packing my bags, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and hugging Sammie like crazy.  Nathan and I were getting ready to head into the hospital that night to be induced and I was running around like a mad woman getting the house "ready" for our new arrival, and Christmas. 

It was nice knowing this time, that we were heading in, when and what to expect as far as delivery goes.  I found myself much more calm about the whole thing.  I sat in Brenna's nursery in the rocker, and remembered all the hours I spent rocking Sammie in that same chair, reading to her before bed time, singing to her, and just soothing her when she wasn't feeling well, and I was thrilled to embarking on another adventure with our new baby girl.

We ate dinner as a family, then packed up the car and took Sammie over to my parents for the night before heading to the hospital.  We explained to Sammie that mommy was going to the doctor to have her baby sister.  This actually worked out great, since the day before we took her to see Santa and she told him she wanted her baby sister for Christmas!  My mom took a picture of us before we left, our last time as a family of three...

Then we headed to the hospital and the fun began!  My labor this time around was easy, and since my body apparently loves epidural, I think if they hadn't messed the initial one up, it would have gone even faster!  As it was, my labor was only 8 hours and then...

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