
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July Challenge

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll say it again, I’ve got some AMAZING friends, and I’m so very thankful for them. They are the kinds of friends that motivate, challenge, support, assist, and best of all (if there had to be a best) laugh with you when you need it the most.

In this group of friends, there are a few of us that have been working out, trying to kick our butts back in to shape, or train for a run/race, whatever. In June, we did an Ab Challenge together, only took 15 minutes or so, 5 different exercises, and we did it almost every day since June 11 or so. The July challenge is going to be Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. Deal is since most of us are also running or otherwise working out so we will do the Meltdown four days a week. Hmm…I run three days a week, so I guess that means July 1 marks the day of my first month of attempting to work out every day. Considering my first run/race is August 1, let’s hope I can still walk at the end of the month!

We’re doing measurements and before and after pictures (for ourselves), nothing more humbling than that! And to report on the running outside effort, it is improving, my legs are getting more used to the concrete, shin splints aren’t as bad as they were, and I actually find it more motivating to run outside than at the gym but I sure do miss that AC!


  1. I'm excited about this! 30 days flies by... you'll see, and then you will be so proud of yourself.

  2. I'm so proud of you girls! You guys are doing awesome! And please don't leave out the friend that gives you hand me down clothes that you can now fit in!!! Soon, those will be too big too! :)
    I hope you girls will motivate me come January/ February! :)
