I was extremely impressed not only with all of the things that the children had learned, but with the ladies that were running the graduation. They had all the shows together that day, each about a half hour apart, running forty-five minutes long, with approximately fifty children particpating in each ceremony.
We were the second to last show that day and you would think that these women would be worn out; so ready for the day to end. Watching the show though, that is the last description I would give it. We really understood why Sammie gets excited every time she talks about Gymbus; because the teachers that come to her school every week and instruct them are excited. They chalk the entire experience full of energy and fun for the kids and it becomes contagious.
As the show was about to start and we all took our spots. Sammie was with her class, our families were perched in the balcony watching, I was running all over the place with my new camera hoping to get some good shots, and Nathan was proudly video taping our little monkey...truly in her element...

First they started off with songs, small dances, and poses that they learned on Gymbus this year; Itsy, Bitsy Spider, If You're Happy and You Know It, Monkeys On the Bed, etc...

At the end of the show, each child got to stand on the #1 pedestal and receive their trophy. They were up there for about five seconds a piece; long enough for each of them to have their family clap/cheer/whistle (i.e. the unforgiveable in about ten years). Even though this went on for each of the fifty kids in her ceremony, it was incredible to watch the look of shock and joy that came over each child's face when it was their turn. When it was Sammie's turn I (being the extremely sappy person that I am) cried.

Note the look of admiration she has for this trophy, she is in love. She carried it everywhere with her for the next week, even to the pool, she would give it kisses and tell it that she loved it. We finally wrangled her into leaving it on a shelf in her room.
Forty-five minutes went by incredibly fast, and it could have been the olympics as far as I was concerned, I was that entertained. So many things made sense to Nathan and I after watching her go through the routines/songs/movements they learned. Things we had seen her do or say at home and think "where did that come from"? We will definitely be signing her up again, and can't wait to see what she gets to learn next year.
Seemingly overnight, Sammie has gone from baby to toddler to little girl. It is wonderful and sad all at the same time. I love watching her become her own independent person, so capable and confident; but the small part of me that wishes she would never grow up tears up a little when she tells me "I can do it myself".

Awe!!! Such a big girl Sammie! Way to go!!!