
Monday, June 29, 2009

Sammie's Gymbus Celebration

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Sammie had her Gymbus celebration. It was a sort of "graduation" for the kids at the end of the school year to show off for their families all they have learned before they move on to bigger and better tricks the next year.

I was extremely impressed not only with all of the things that the children had learned, but with the ladies that were running the graduation. They had all the shows together that day, each about a half hour apart, running forty-five minutes long, with approximately fifty children particpating in each ceremony.

We were the second to last show that day and you would think that these women would be worn out; so ready for the day to end. Watching the show though, that is the last description I would give it. We really understood why Sammie gets excited every time she talks about Gymbus; because the teachers that come to her school every week and instruct them are excited. They chalk the entire experience full of energy and fun for the kids and it becomes contagious.

As the show was about to start and we all took our spots. Sammie was with her class, our families were perched in the balcony watching, I was running all over the place with my new camera hoping to get some good shots, and Nathan was proudly video taping our little monkey...truly in her element...

First they started off with songs, small dances, and poses that they learned on Gymbus this year; Itsy, Bitsy Spider, If You're Happy and You Know It, Monkeys On the Bed, etc...

Next it was on to turns on the different apparatuses. Some were easier than others for my petite little girl...

At the end of the show, each child got to stand on the #1 pedestal and receive their trophy. They were up there for about five seconds a piece; long enough for each of them to have their family clap/cheer/whistle (i.e. the unforgiveable in about ten years). Even though this went on for each of the fifty kids in her ceremony, it was incredible to watch the look of shock and joy that came over each child's face when it was their turn. When it was Sammie's turn I (being the extremely sappy person that I am) cried.

Note the look of admiration she has for this trophy, she is in love. She carried it everywhere with her for the next week, even to the pool, she would give it kisses and tell it that she loved it. We finally wrangled her into leaving it on a shelf in her room.
Forty-five minutes went by incredibly fast, and it could have been the olympics as far as I was concerned, I was that entertained. So many things made sense to Nathan and I after watching her go through the routines/songs/movements they learned. Things we had seen her do or say at home and think "where did that come from"? We will definitely be signing her up again, and can't wait to see what she gets to learn next year.

Seemingly overnight, Sammie has gone from baby to toddler to little girl. It is wonderful and sad all at the same time. I love watching her become her own independent person, so capable and confident; but the small part of me that wishes she would never grow up tears up a little when she tells me "I can do it myself".

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rachel - The Raffle Queen

So I've told you all about our wonderful friend Rachel and her trendsetting ways. Well, she also has this GREAT blog that I check on daily, and my kids get to star in from time to time. She also likes to post silly pictures of me here and there...but that is besides the point. (and I'm not going to link to those, if you are really curious, you'll just have to find them!)

Anyway, Rachel likes to have raffles on her blogs, as often as possible. And in keeping with her trendsetting ways, typically gets all of us moms addicted to some new fashion trend for our bundles of babies as well as our older kids.

Right now she is raffling off a pillowcase dress from Hot Tots Boutique which is an adorable place to shop with great prices!! This is the first raffle that I have been able to participate in (now that I have figured out the google and blogging thing myself!) and I'm determined to win!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


This came after my post on her accessorization abilities, but I had to share...

After I took the picture, she wanted to see it and I said "don't you look silly!"
She said "yeah, with those fingers in my mouth!" Little stinker!


Apparently when you are this cute, all modes of transportation are at your beckon call…

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sammie, The Individual

In our group of friends Sammie was the only girl in a sea of seven boys until the recently added Bundles of Babies. At first I was worried that she would not have much fun with the boys, or that they would play too rough for my delicate little princess, but Sammie (we discovered) can go from diva to Tomboy and back in no time flat, and she has certainly learned to hold her own.

She LOVES playing with all the boys; gets right into whatever game they are playing and even carries what she’s learned home with her when they aren’t around. She’ll go from fighting with “lightsabres” (sticks she found in the yard at my parents’ house) with grandma, to helping her bake a cake, to launching a ball soccer style at grandpa all in the matter of an hour.

I love the individuality that she already possesses at age three (and yes, I am fully aware that statement will most likely bite me in the @$* in her teenage years). I love that the boys have taught her that free and fearless side of childhood that Nathan and I outgrew long ago. There are still times when she’ll start to do something that Nathan and I will reflexively flinch at and try to stop her, but she amazes us most of the time by shaking off the booboo she receives from whatever it was she just did and continues on with her playing.

That’s not to say there isn’t drama, after all, she is still all girl! And apparently, girls learn that accessorization is the key at a very early age…

My Sister

There are all kinds of sisters in the world. There are those that are close, those that are not; there are those that only speak because they are obligated to at family occasions, and there are even those that don’t speak at all. Then, for very fortunate sisters, there are the kinds that you could never live without and are the best friend you could ever ask for.

That is the kind that I have.

Seven years separate us, which almost everyone has always assumed would mean we weren’t close, and for many years, that was true. I was the bratty little sister that could always be found on her heels, wanting and expecting to be allowed to do all the things that she was. Then she went away to college and I was heartbroken and lost without her. From that point on, we were inseparable, partners in crime, best of friends, each other’s biggest fan and fiercest defender; and when we did fight, it was like the Clash of the Titans (still is really…). Karen has always been there for me whenever I needed her, providing unfailing support and understanding, and an unwavering devotion to her entire family.

Recently, she decided it was time to “whip into shape.” Something that most of us talk about doing, mean to do, and even make feeble attempts at before falling back into the same bad patterns of eating and not exercising. But Karen really meant it..and really did it! She’s lost well over 100 pounds; she looks great and is so happy! Other than the obvious health benefits, one of my favorite things is that I get to see my sister’s beautiful smile ALL THE TIME now! In celebration of her amazing weight loss and exercise and diet dedication, she went on to participate in the Tour de Cure to support diabetes and biked the thirty mile trail! We could not possibly be more proud of her!

I will not tell you her age (cause really, if you are over 21, who wants that out there?) – but I will say Happy Birthday to the best sister I could ever hope for! I love you with all my heart and thank God for such an amazing person in my life. Congratulations on your weight loss, we are so proud of and happy for you!! Happy Birthday Karen!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6-month Check-up

Brenna had her 6-month check-up yesterday and she did great! She received two shots and didn’t cry at all on the first, made one little whine at the second and then stopped right away! She weighed in at 18 lbs. 2 oz., putting her in the 90th percentile and is 27 ¾ inches long, putting her in the 98th percentile. It seems that she’s starting to plane off on her rapid weight gain, and is still a very long baby! Developmentally she is right on track and even a little ahead. She’s doing great on solid foods and going forward we get to start introducing meats mixed with vegetables as her pediatrician said that the straight meats were akin to cat food – yuck! No teeth to report yet, and her big skill we are working on at the moment is sitting up on her own.

Even though she has a cold now, her ears looked perfect, all healed up from the surgery and we are hoping to be able to get a good, healthy summer for her! Next check-up will be at nine months, and hopefully that will be the next trip to the doctor too!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day Nathan - 2009

Happy Father's Day Nathan! I hope you enjoy your day and your time with the girls. I can hardly believe that this is your fourth Father's Day! Thank you for being such a wonderful father to our girls, and for always taking care of all of us. We all love you very much!!
Some of my favorite shots of Nathan with the girls...

Daddy and Sammie

Daddy and Brenna

Happy Father's Day - 2009

Our plans for Mother’s Day usually involve brunch out somewhere wonderful where no mom has to cook or clean, cards that make us cry, and beautiful flowers and/or corsages.
Our plans for Father’s day usually involve golf, cards that make us laugh, lots of food in the form of BBQ'ing, and a fair amount of beer.

Here are just a few of the great dads I know:

Ben (Benny, Jake, Danny, and Tucker’s Daddy)

Gary (Stephen and Jenna’s Daddy)

Mike (Drew, George, and Carli Grace’s Daddy)

My Father-in-law

My Dad

Sammie and Brenna’s Daddy (a.k.a. Nathan)

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads I know, hope you all enjoy your day!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Five-year Anniversary - To Us!

Thirty years ago, we were just two little kids, playing in our own sandboxes, and fully believing (respectively) that boys/girls were gross!

Ten years ago, we were just two big kids, playing in much bigger sandboxes, and knowing (respectively) that guys/gals were a lot of work!

Five years ago today, Nathan and I “vowed the vows and walked the walk”….

From our honeymoon, starting to live our “happily ever after”…

Today we have many, many more years ahead of us in our happily ever after, and I would say if the rest are anything like the first five, we are well on our way!

Thank you Nathan for being my wonderful husband, my best friend, and an incredible father to our girls. I am so incredibly lucky and blessed for everything we have together. Happy anniversary – I love you!