
Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Sammie!!!

I can hardly believe that our little Sammie is four years old today! Mo-Mo, The Mo-ster, Sammie Bug, Mo-Mo-licious, Monkey, Pumpkin; all nicknames we have had for her over the last four years.

Sammie is an amazing little girl (I’m not biased at all, am I?). She’s incredibly attune to other’s feelings and expressions, and can’t stand to see anyone upset (except maybe her little sister sometimes…). She’s our little princess, with the vivid imagination. She likes to play rough and tumble, and then turn around and make beds for all her animals and read her “babies” bed time stories. She is extremely smart and can figure things out seemingly at the speed of light. (Read here, she had Daddy’s iPhone down before I even knew how to turn it on!) She is fiercely independent and wants to do just about everything herself, but on her own time, she’ll come over and ask for some snuggle time or to lay with you and watch a movie. She is extremely meticulous, although I have no idea where she gets it from ;-)  She’s a complete daddy’s girl, but then also a mommy’s girl too. She loves her little sister, and although she is rougher with her than we would like at times, she’s intensely protective of her, and won’t even let her friends at school come by her.

We have watched you grow from a little baby…

To a toddler…

To a big sister…

To a pre-schooler…

Watching her grow from a baby to a little girl has been an incredible experience. I’ve had frustrations, particularly the age of three; however my joys over the past four years have been more than I could ever have imagined and so much more than I feel like I can describe. The best way to sum it up is what I have heard from others; it is like having your heart walk outside your body, all the time, every day. I have enjoyed each and every day of her life, and feel extremely blessed to be a part of it.

We are so very proud of our little Princess Sammie; of her heart, her mind, her love, her smiles, her sass, her giggles, her tender kisses for boo-boos, her hugs, her kisses, her snuggles, her humor, her expression, her dancing, her outgoing behavior; from the top her head, to the tips of her toes, we love her to pieces, always and forever. Happy Birthday Angel, we love you so very much!!!

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