
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nathan, The Camera Man

My Grandpa Hershberger took virtually all the pictures between him and my Grandma.  He was good at it too, had a great eye for good shots, and liked the cameras that he got to use manually instead of point and shoot.  Somehow though, whenever at the beach or pool, he would end up with these random shots of good looking women in bikinis.  My grandma would pick up the developed photos and while looking through come across these shots, shake her head and smile and laugh as Grandpa explained that he was really taking a picture of a seagull or a boat in the background...honest!  Sure enough, there always was something else in the photo, but it was a long-standing joke in our family.

With Nathan and I, I pretty much always have the camera.  Which is why there are virtually no pictures of me and the girls together, but we are working on it.  One day at the beach on vacation, Nathan took out the camera and spent the day getting lots of really great shots of the girls.  I still had to shake my head and smile as I came across these while sorting through grandpa would be so proud...

In the first shot he covers his bases with Sammie, the second he apparently forgot to do so altogether, and then by the third he's just plain sucking up ;-)  But I'll take it...

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