
Monday, September 13, 2010

My Mom, My Hero, Part 2

After mom was through her treatments and started feeling better again, she was positive she wanted to do the Komen Race for the Cure this year.  We all went, Nathan and Sammie had an event for Sammie that kept them away, but it was an amazing and very emotional day.  Mom thoroughly enjoyed it, and we decided it would be on our annual list of celebrations of mom's health going forward!

Our friends Mike and Rachel joined us with Carli Grace:

Mike got a shirt that put a smile on everyone's face:

There were an extraordinary amount of people there, it was our city's biggest Komen event to date:

My parents handled breast cancer, and the Komen event, the same way they have done everything through life, together, hand in hand, supporting each other, and with great, great, love.


  1. Your mom can show us all to not stop fighting. Congrats to here for beating this.

  2. Wonderful pictures, I'm so happy your mom was able to participate. Thanks for sharing.
