Guys spend their entire adolescence worrying about looking “cool” to girls. To their guy friends too, I’m sure, but really girls are the ones they are trying to impress. Then they reach college and their twenties and still continue to worry about their “image”.
Then they get married and turn into puddles of mush for their kids...
I’m going to be in trouble for this post, Nathan was not a fan of the picture of him with a bike helmet on, but hey, I think everyone deserves to see how great he is, especially when it comes to making his little girls smile!
Today is Nathan’s birthday. This is the 11th birthday of his that we have spent together, and every year it is more and more sweet. I fell in love with Nathan very quickly after I met him, and over the years we grew closer and became a "couple". After we got married and settled into our new home, I figured I’d pretty much knew everything there was to know about my husband, and that he would not be able to surprise me.
Then we had Sammie, and watching him with her I fell in love with him in a whole new way I didn’t even know existed.
Again, I was sure that the love I felt for him couldn’t possibly get any better. Then we had Brenna, and seeing him with her reminded me that there is always something more.
Something more to learn, something more to love, something more to grow together as friends, as a couple, as parents, and most (and best) of all, as a family.
Happy birthday to my love, my partner, my very best friend! Thank you for being you, and for continuing to surprise me! I love you!

Awww Kelly that was such a sweet post! You guys are adorable together. Happy Birthday to Nathan!
Where's the bike helmut picture??? did he make yout take it down??