Day five of vacation was our one day at sea, no ports. We pretty much spent the whole day at the pool only breaking for meals. Yes, we were roasted. Yes, we were roasted in odd ways. Both of us had flaming red knees, and left shoulders, and I had a fire-engine red hairline. We used sunscreen, but I may have forgotten to reapply after getting absorbed in my book and people watching and maybe even some tropical yummyness…

The final seated dinner on board was delicious, and our waiter entertained us with tricks/riddles throughout the evening. We didn’t get any of them right, but we had fun trying. The whole wait staff of over 200 people from 52 different countries serenaded us, well sort of, and we said farewell to our dinner partners.
One of my favorite things on the cruise is the way that they fold the towels when they prepare your cabin for the evening. (I must say I am always impressed at how we NEVER see the attendants, but the seemingly always know when to service the room!) They like to make animals out of them, an art I think I may have to learn to entertain the girls some day:

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