Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
More Milestones
In my blogging hiatus Brenna has learned a thing or two about a thing or two. First she learned to pull up, on everything. Then she learned to walk along things, then she perfected the hands and knees crawl technique, and she is now on to full table food. Next milestone aside from walking? Moving to cow’s milk. Which will hopefully occur well after she has started to sleep through the night; we are hoping that to happen sometime before she attends college...
Sammie is learning, changing, and growing every day it seems. There are many, many things that make Nathan and I laugh, and then there are those less than charming items that make us, well…a little crazy…
Here are some current “Sammie-isms”, I’ll let you decide if they are the laugh or cry sort of “isms”…
1) In an effort to get Sammie to learn to dress herself, Nathan has told her that her underpants go on “tag in the back”. So one day she came running out the bathroom in her underpants and Nathan thought they looked backwards and asked, “Do you have those on right?” She smiled, nodded, said “Taaaaaaaaaaaaaag in the back!” and proceeded to turn her backside to him and wiggle her toosh from side to side to show him.
2) While going through Wal-Mart one day, I was having trouble finding the socks for her and I said (out loud) “why can’t I find the socks”!?! And Sammie replied with “Because you are a bad parent”. I asked her where she had heard that and she said “at school, Logan”.
3) Sammie who has been potty trained completely for several months now with no accidents at all, suddenly had two accidents last weekend. First she sat on the living room carpet so engrossed in her cartoon that she didn’t get up to go and the second time she was sitting in Nathan’s lap (ah… the joys of fatherhood!). The next day she proceeded to cry and scream when we tried to put her on the potty, and when I asked her why she didn’t want to go on the potty she said “because I’m making my own decisions!” (greaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt idea!)
4) One morning I forgot to send Sammie’s blanket to school with her for nap time, so on the way to work (Nathan had dropped her off) I stopped in to give it to her teacher. I hadn’t dropped Brenna off yet, so I was carrying her in with me as well. When I came into Sammie’s classroom she was seated at the head of the table (all the kids were eating breakfast) and she saw me and looked around at all her friends and said “look everybody, this is my sister, Brenna”. There was something utterly dignitary about her tone and her teacher informed me that she is little miss independent lately…(really? I hadn’t noticed…)
5) I was informed that Sammie was using the phrase “kick your butt” to kids at school, when I asked her where she got it, she said “Logan”. (Not a fan of Logan really…)
6) When I asked Sammie what she wanted to be for Halloween this year she told me “Cinderella. And Brenna can be Princess Jasmine and Mommy can be Santa”. (Ummm...why does this remind me of the post-holiday Special K commercial??)
7) The other day I accidentally stepped on one of her plastic tea cups from her play set and broke it. I told her that I was sorry and she didn’t react. A few minutes later she came up to me and put her hand on my arm and said “that’s ok mommy, it was an accident, and everybody has accidents.”
8) Sammie saw a picture of me in the hospital holding Brenna after she was born and she said “remember mommy when you were sick and had to go to the doctor?” Not wanting her to associate babies with mommy being sick, I corrected her and told her that mommy went to the doctor to have Brenna when she was ready to come out of my tummy. She looked like this was such a far-fetched story, but didn’t say anything else. The next morning she saw the same picture (it is in Brenna’s room) and said “remember mommy when you had a baby in your belly and went to the doctor?” I said yes and asked her if she would like mommy to have any more babies in her belly, to which she laughed like that was the most ridiculous thing and said “NO! No more babies in your belly. Ok, well, one baby at a time.” I asked her if she would like a girl baby or a boy baby and she said (laughing) “Girl baby!!!!! Moooooooooooommmmmmmmmm, girl babies come out of your tummy and boy babies come out of daddy’s tummy!” (Silly me! If only it worked this way, right??)
9) And last but not least, further proof that she is her father’s daughter…this morning once we all piled into the van to head off to respective daycares and work, she said “how about a little muuuuuuuusic Mommy?”
Here are some current “Sammie-isms”, I’ll let you decide if they are the laugh or cry sort of “isms”…
1) In an effort to get Sammie to learn to dress herself, Nathan has told her that her underpants go on “tag in the back”. So one day she came running out the bathroom in her underpants and Nathan thought they looked backwards and asked, “Do you have those on right?” She smiled, nodded, said “Taaaaaaaaaaaaaag in the back!” and proceeded to turn her backside to him and wiggle her toosh from side to side to show him.
2) While going through Wal-Mart one day, I was having trouble finding the socks for her and I said (out loud) “why can’t I find the socks”!?! And Sammie replied with “Because you are a bad parent”. I asked her where she had heard that and she said “at school, Logan”.
3) Sammie who has been potty trained completely for several months now with no accidents at all, suddenly had two accidents last weekend. First she sat on the living room carpet so engrossed in her cartoon that she didn’t get up to go and the second time she was sitting in Nathan’s lap (ah… the joys of fatherhood!). The next day she proceeded to cry and scream when we tried to put her on the potty, and when I asked her why she didn’t want to go on the potty she said “because I’m making my own decisions!” (greaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt idea!)
4) One morning I forgot to send Sammie’s blanket to school with her for nap time, so on the way to work (Nathan had dropped her off) I stopped in to give it to her teacher. I hadn’t dropped Brenna off yet, so I was carrying her in with me as well. When I came into Sammie’s classroom she was seated at the head of the table (all the kids were eating breakfast) and she saw me and looked around at all her friends and said “look everybody, this is my sister, Brenna”. There was something utterly dignitary about her tone and her teacher informed me that she is little miss independent lately…(really? I hadn’t noticed…)
5) I was informed that Sammie was using the phrase “kick your butt” to kids at school, when I asked her where she got it, she said “Logan”. (Not a fan of Logan really…)
6) When I asked Sammie what she wanted to be for Halloween this year she told me “Cinderella. And Brenna can be Princess Jasmine and Mommy can be Santa”. (Ummm...why does this remind me of the post-holiday Special K commercial??)
7) The other day I accidentally stepped on one of her plastic tea cups from her play set and broke it. I told her that I was sorry and she didn’t react. A few minutes later she came up to me and put her hand on my arm and said “that’s ok mommy, it was an accident, and everybody has accidents.”
8) Sammie saw a picture of me in the hospital holding Brenna after she was born and she said “remember mommy when you were sick and had to go to the doctor?” Not wanting her to associate babies with mommy being sick, I corrected her and told her that mommy went to the doctor to have Brenna when she was ready to come out of my tummy. She looked like this was such a far-fetched story, but didn’t say anything else. The next morning she saw the same picture (it is in Brenna’s room) and said “remember mommy when you had a baby in your belly and went to the doctor?” I said yes and asked her if she would like mommy to have any more babies in her belly, to which she laughed like that was the most ridiculous thing and said “NO! No more babies in your belly. Ok, well, one baby at a time.” I asked her if she would like a girl baby or a boy baby and she said (laughing) “Girl baby!!!!! Moooooooooooommmmmmmmmm, girl babies come out of your tummy and boy babies come out of daddy’s tummy!” (Silly me! If only it worked this way, right??)
9) And last but not least, further proof that she is her father’s daughter…this morning once we all piled into the van to head off to respective daycares and work, she said “how about a little muuuuuuuusic Mommy?”
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Box
Recently we upgraded Sammie from her convertible car seat to a high back booster. This was made difficult by her "dimensions" being in between the minimum for a high back booster and the maximum for the convertible seat she'd been in since she turned one. I was thrilled to find one that had everything we were looking for finally, so we ordered the two we needed for both our cars.
Which of course meant that we had two HUGE boxes for the girls to play in. They had a blast! Mostly Sammie really, Brenna just followed around wherever she went. And while Sammie had a great time getting inside and pulling all the flaps shut, Brenna liked to have access to the outside at least a little bit...

Which of course meant that we had two HUGE boxes for the girls to play in. They had a blast! Mostly Sammie really, Brenna just followed around wherever she went. And while Sammie had a great time getting inside and pulling all the flaps shut, Brenna liked to have access to the outside at least a little bit...

Friday, September 25, 2009
Branson - August 2009
As mentioned, we recently took a trip to Branson. My parents and sister had never been there, and we thought it would be a great mini-vacation for the girls, so we packed up and went. We were there for 3 days and nights, and spent two of those days in Silver Dollar City.

We had a little bit of a hard time getting her to understand waiting in line for them…
Sammie LOVED the rides…

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Brenna - Nine Months
Brenna is nine months old today! I can hardly believe that much time has already passed. She is our sweet, happy baby, smiles all the time…and she’s also a total dare devil! She has no fear, and gets into everything! A couple of weeks ago we were even treated to baby’s first CAT Scan due to her pulling a heavy wooden lamp down on her head – happily, the results came back with a clean bill of health. A little trick she seems to be learning from her big sister though is to have a little bit of a temper when things don’t go her way…hmmm…not sure what to do about that one!
At nine months, Brenna is completely ready for table food; she’s so over the puree and wants nothing to do with it most times. She’s pulling up and walking along furniture, attempting to stand on her own, is mastering the real baby crawl on hands and knees, but sometimes still gets frustrated and reverts back to her Army Crawl, she is still NOT sleeping through the night, and it really just depends on the night as to whether she goes right back to sleep or decides to keep mommy and daddy up for two or three hours at a time…
We had her check-up yesterday and her stats were:
Weight: 20 lbs. 2 oz. = 74th Percentile
Height: 29 ¼ inches = 95th Percentile
Head: 17 ¾ inches = 82nd Percentile
So she’s still our big girl, but has plateaud a bit on her weight gain, which is good for mommy’s back!
Our baby girl is nine months old…and she’s definitely coming into her own personality, her own likes and dislikes, and while she is still very much a mommy’s girl, she’s more comfortable with others now too. She absolutely adores her daddy and is completely enamored with her sister, who seems to be the only one who can make her laugh without involving tickling or raspberries! Happy “Birthday” sweetheart, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the next nine months!
At nine months, Brenna is completely ready for table food; she’s so over the puree and wants nothing to do with it most times. She’s pulling up and walking along furniture, attempting to stand on her own, is mastering the real baby crawl on hands and knees, but sometimes still gets frustrated and reverts back to her Army Crawl, she is still NOT sleeping through the night, and it really just depends on the night as to whether she goes right back to sleep or decides to keep mommy and daddy up for two or three hours at a time…
We had her check-up yesterday and her stats were:
Weight: 20 lbs. 2 oz. = 74th Percentile
Height: 29 ¼ inches = 95th Percentile
Head: 17 ¾ inches = 82nd Percentile
So she’s still our big girl, but has plateaud a bit on her weight gain, which is good for mommy’s back!
Our baby girl is nine months old…and she’s definitely coming into her own personality, her own likes and dislikes, and while she is still very much a mommy’s girl, she’s more comfortable with others now too. She absolutely adores her daddy and is completely enamored with her sister, who seems to be the only one who can make her laugh without involving tickling or raspberries! Happy “Birthday” sweetheart, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the next nine months!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wow...it has been a while
So I see it has been about a month since my last post...well, to be honest, I haven't been on here, so I've been told it has been about a month since my last post. We have had a very, very busy month. Which I guess isn't really that different from usual, but I sort of got backed up on downloading and sorting pictures, then needed to upload them for printing and get organized, and then, we took another trip.
Oh, and there was this new addiction of mine, scrapbooking...that was taking up every waking minute! I'm allowing myself a brief break from that however, to finish reading my current book and get caught up with picture organization and of course, the blog.
First back in August, we went to Branson, then just last week to Cleveland for a wedding. Many more details to come on both of those items, lots of pictures to be shared as well.
In the meantime, Nathan is great, the girls are wonderful, the pictures are pretty, and I will be working on getting everyone caught up as soon as I can!
Oh, and there was this new addiction of mine, scrapbooking...that was taking up every waking minute! I'm allowing myself a brief break from that however, to finish reading my current book and get caught up with picture organization and of course, the blog.
First back in August, we went to Branson, then just last week to Cleveland for a wedding. Many more details to come on both of those items, lots of pictures to be shared as well.
In the meantime, Nathan is great, the girls are wonderful, the pictures are pretty, and I will be working on getting everyone caught up as soon as I can!
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